Finally, MUTV in the States but I cant enjoy it without captions
I have been dreaming for years that those of us that live in the US would get MUTV access. Seeing the billboards every game just got so annoying. I am a gigantic ManU fan. I think the last time I missed a game was 7 or 8 years ago. Got the email saying MUTV is coming to the States so I downloaded and subscribed immediately. Unfortunately I can not enjoy the awesome programming and experience ManU in all its glory. I had 2 brain surgeries back when I was in college and I am now completely deaf. The programming on MUTV does not offer any closed captioning or subtitles. I am on disability pay now so I cant justify to continue paying $10 a month if I cant really enjoy the full programming. I am actually going back to the doctor tomorrow because it appears I may be having another surgery. Hopefully I will get some good news at the doctor and find out the surgery can wait a while and I find some good news when I get home and find captioning has been added to MUTV. A man can dream cant he, lol. Keep putting out the best football team in the world but please give me captioning. And tell Ibrahamovic I am gonna send him some elbow pads so they dont get hurt when defenders keep jumping into them.
Added: Surgery done but rehab still a work in progress. Got my lots or work left to do. I will continue working on my body so please work on the closed captioning. That would be an amazing treat for the start of the season.
KrzCooter about
MUTV - Manchester United TV, v1.5.1